is the concerted sharing of knowledge and experience which is usually organized
within a dicipline and, more generally provision of stimulus to the
psychological and intellectual growth of a person by another person. Teaching
english to young learner is a way to introduce English as a foreign language to
young students. One of the most important aspects of teaching English to young
learners is creating an enjoyable and creative learning atmosphere. Through
volunteering you can help children to know more about English language and creating
a fun and positive learning environtment.
Goes to Public is one of SEGA Working Programs to share knowledge especially in
english language to environtment around, its content compiled by education. Our
goal is giving english language teaching to the surrounding community, such as
strata students. SGTP will be held every Saturday from March until early April
2019. We need volunteers that hold strong passion in teaching English and also
share their knowledge to everyone. We hope this event could beneficial for all
of the volunteers. Come on and join to be part of us !
Apply link registration :
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