International Issues "World AIDS Day"

What is HIV? Why it's so hard to cure HIV/AIDS?

HIV spreads through exchanges of bodily fluids. Unprotected sex and contaminater needless are the leading cause of transmission. Noted that, HIV/AIDS can't be spread by skinship or air. HIV infects cells, particulary targets the T cells, which help defend the body against bacterial and fungal infections. HIV replicate them self between the T-cells, during this stage the  patient often experiences flu-like symtomps, however, from a few months to several years, the patient may look and fee completely healthy but the virus are continously replicate themself, and if the T-cells are dropped too low, the patients are in danger of contracting deadly infections. that healthy immune systems can normally handle. This stage called AIDS.

Fortunately, there are drugs that highly effectives at managing levels of HIV. This drugs can prevent HIV into AIDS, by preventing T-cells counts from gettinglow enough for the disease to progress to AIDS. If HIV-positive people consume this drugs, they can expect to live long and healthy lives like normal people, and are much less likely to infect others. But, they have to consume this drugs for the rest of their life. Without the drugs, the virus can make a deadly comeback. Unfortunately, not everyone can access this drugs easily. In sub-Sahara Africa, where 70% of people that infected by HIV, only 1/3 people got to access this drugs. Even in the U.S, HIV still claims more than 10.000 lives per year. The possibility of this cure only 1:700.000, but 1 still better than none at all. 

Sources : TED- Ed


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